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Intro Opening up to emotions
Ardha Matsyendrâsana or Twisting of the Sage
Uttitha Trikonâsana or Triangle Pose
Vrksâsana or tree pose
Paschimottanâsana or pincer pose
Bakâsana or raven pose
Dhanurâsana or bow pose
Salabhasâna or grasshopper pose
Bhujangâsana or cobra posture
Purvottanâsana or upward plank
Uttanâsana or standing clamp pose
Matsyâsana or fish pose
Halâsana or plow pose
Sarvangâsana or candle pose
Complete RIshikesh Series
Night routine
Class 2: Mobility in the hips
Class 1: Movement and body fluency
Class 3: Salutation to the sun and standing postures I
Session 6: First Complete Series
Session 5: Ashtanga Series One, Part Two
Session 4: First Ashtanga series with modifications
Class 1: Deepening our connection to the Earth and to each other
Class 3: Life: a continuous movement
Class 2: A path to liberation through compassion.
Class 4: Balancing the chakras
Standing postures with a wall
Supported bending
Passive stances
Session 3: Standing Series
Session 2: Suryanamaskara A and B, sun salutation
Pranayama practice
Extension postures
Preparation of the sun salutation
Explore Nature
Flexion postures
Hip work
The secret key
The puppy and the butterfly
The beauty
The candle inside you
The cobra and the warrior
Journey to a magical world
Yoga to Improve Your Life 9: Stress relief routine
Mindful relaxation session - Yoga Nidra
Hips and pelvis opening
Hatha Yoga: working the torso
Deep Pranayama
Sun Salutation Practice - Surya Namaskar
Twisting poses
Creative energy in motion
Habiting the body and its sensations
Standing postures I
Emotional openness
Structure and deconstruct
Relax the face
Silence and heart
Pelvis in motion
Hip joint
Yin Yoga
Welcome. Psoas cycle
Class 1 - Consciousness
Open diaphragm 1
Open diaphragm 2
Awakening the body 2
Awakening the body 3
Sesión para dormir como un bebé
Yoga to improve your life 10: Express session to sleep like a baby
Yoga to improve your life 8: Restorative Yoga Body & Mind
Yoga to improve your life 4: Activate your metabolism and gain flexibility
Yoga to Improve Your Life 7: The Anti-Aging Power of Yoga
Yoga to improve your life 6: Postures for arms of steel.
Yoga to improve your life 5: Best postures for your back
Purify yourself in spring
Yoga to improve your life 3: Yoga routine to shape your legs.
Yoga to improve your life 2: Asanas to strengthen your abs.
Yoga to improve your life 1: Revitalising and cleansing the body
CLASS 1. Secret Yoga Club: Dominant Moon
Vinyasa Yoga 2
Vinyasa Yoga 1
Yoga Pranayama
Awakening the body 1
Supported Yoga
Creative relaxation
Routine Base 3
Routine Base 2
Routine Base 1
Hatha Yoga for wellbeing
Restorative Hatha Yoga
Hatha: Open Your Heart With Back Spine Extensions
Unblock back and open mind
Yoga Nidra: Active and deep relaxation
Practice of Hatha yoga according to Sivananda.
Vinyasa Shiva Namaskar
Secuencia de posturas entrelazadas
Breathing in postures
Your breathing
Ashtanga Yoga with Nilesh
The tree that did not know who it was
Standing postures: importance of the foot and leg
Hips: working towards Padmasana
Vinyasa: Eka Pada Koundinyasana II
The lotus in you
Polarity and balance
Dynamic yoga
Vinyasa Flow
Session 1: Ashtanga Yoga Mysore
Cyclical nature of life-death-life
Vinyasa: strength and stability in standing postures
Sun salutation
Vinyasa: Shiva Namaskar
Hatha Yoga: strength and flexibility
Advanced Vinyasa
Ying Yang Yoga
Therapeutic yoga - Lorena González
Vinyasa for beginners
Ying yoga
Hatha yoga: balance
Therapeutic Yoga Class - Lorena González
Ying Yang Yoga Class - Lorena González
Vinyasa Yoga class for beginners - Lorena González
What is Ying Yang Yoga?
Advanced Vinyasa Class
What is Yin Yoga?
Ying Yoga Practice - Lorena González