Extension postures


The postures in extension are very energetic, they stimulate the entire nervous system and all the nerves that are on the sides of the spine are toned when doing the asanas.The work of lengthening the spine will create certain sensations of awakening in it. . Spine extension poses can be very beneficial if performed correctly. - ADHO MUKHA or downward facing dog posture: preparation and warm-up - SVASTIKASANA (twisting): twisting is extremely important in preparing the spine and at the end of an extension session. - SPINE MOVEMENTS (cat): we work on elasticity and give the vertebrae ease. - BHUJANGASANA: from the understanding of Tadasana we arrive at the correct execution of the postures in extension. - SHALABHASANA: variations of the posture. - Urdhva Mukha Svanasana: we pay attention to the work of the legs, the sacrum and, above all, to feel the impact on the spine in terms of extension. - DHANURASANA: posture that includes all the others. - YOGA MUDRASANA: work to be done after the extensions to relax the spine.

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