Welcome Stage 2: Inner Consciousness


Congratulations on reaching the second phase of this process. Surely you have already noticed some changes in your pattern of thought and are introducing new habits to your daily life. I hope that among them is the practice of mindful breathing and mindfulness. For this stage we will put all our consciousness in what happens inside ourselves, in our body, connecting with what we truly are, fully inhabiting our body, making use of our senses and looking for all answers within us. We will connect with our innate wisdom and that will help you to be more receptive to your true self, better manage your emotions and know where your mental noise comes from, which will mean a notable improvement in your concentration, your mood and also lead to a great advance in your personal growth. During the 10 exercises that you will do, you will need a space where you can feel comfortable and in solitude, a place where you can lie down and a raisin or some other food that you like and comes from the earth. If you are ready, you can continue doing this training.

Audio and subtitles


  • Spanish
  • English


  • English
  • Spanish

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Farewell to the course: Continue your training.