Farewell to the course: Continue your training.


You have already finished your training but it is now when the adventure really begins. The challenge of being constant and not abandoning this wonderful learned practice. You are going to commit to yourself to implement this lifestyle in your day to day life, to keep yourself more awake, more aware and in greater coherence. Let me give you 5 last tips to take your practice to the next level and internalize this great shift in perception that you have incorporated. My first advice is that you don't shy away from the possibility of getting in touch with nature. Even if you are in the city, you can also do it there. Looking at the sky, observing the leaves of the trees, escaping to meditate in a park, taking a walk in a quiet area or making a well-deserved escape from time to time. My second recommendation is that you decide to eat a more conscious diet, always looking for foods close to the earth, keeping processed products away from you, with too many chemicals and stocking your fridge with organic and seasonal fruits and vegetables. Avoid eating in a hurry, savor each bite well, appreciate each drink of water and feel blessed by everything you nourish your body with. The third suggestion I have for you is that you open your eyes and your heart well and close your mind from time to time. In relationships with other people, in your everyday life, listen to your intuition, enjoy silence more and be attentive to the signs that life brings you. There are many but you have to be open to receiving them! My fourth piece of advice is to spend some time on yourself every day. Even if it is an hour, that would represent 4% of your full day. Do some exercise, meditate, read a book, paint or do any activity that makes you focus on something and you like it. Do not stop using your creativity when you have the opportunity and express your emotions, do not keep them to yourself. And finally, I encourage you to continue contributing to your personal growth with us, with Conscious Television. All our content is designed and created to maximize your well-being, to get to know you better, to get the best of you and to make your life the life you really deserve. Thank you very much for being there. Happy present moment.

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