Transform your life by practising yoga
Benefits of yoga
Yoga for pregnant women
Tantra Kriya Yoga
Bikram Yoga or hot yoga, a yoga practice at high temperatures
Yin Yoga: the opportunity to stop and analyse
Free yoga class in CaƱos de Meca to celebrate International Yoga Day
Celebrate International Yoga Day
Benefits of yoga in everyday life: the posture
Yoga in the elderly
LIVING WOMAN: Women's meeting on yoga, health and wellness
How yoga can help you to relieve jet lag
Irritability anger attacks: Pitta Dosha imbalance
Movement to support the teaching of Yoga for children
Relieve your cervical spine from the tension accumulated during the day.
Modify your winter routines thanks to Conscious TV
The different Yoga postures and their benefits for body and mind
The relationship between your mind and your body: disconnection, domination and control