Benefits of yoga in everyday life: the posture
Conscious TV
September 28, 2020
The other day we talked about the benefits of yogic breathing and today we are going to review the benefits that yogic postures bring to our daily life.
Yoga is an exercise that adapts perfectly to any age and physical condition, so there is no excuse for not doing a yoga session adapted to our needs. As it is not a competitive practice, it is not necessary to push our body to the limit, so it is recommended for all types of complexions; practising it will improve our flexibility, exercise our muscles and bring a great benefit to our back. Actually, all asanas provide physical, spiritual and psychological benefits, but there are some that are especially recommended for specific cases.
Let's look at some examples of common asanas and their application in everyday life:
Baddha Konasana or Bound Angle Posture. This is a posture especially recommended to perform before going to sleep as its practice is beneficial for muscle relaxation.
Sit on the floor with your back straight, bring the soles of your feet together and hold them with your hands. As you stretch forward, exhale and inhale as you stretch backwards. Repeat this several times until you feel your muscles are relaxed.
Chakki chalánasana or Posture Beating the Mill . This posture is especially recommended for pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Sitting with your legs straight and open and your hands clasped in front of your chest, make circular movements clockwise at the waist. When bending over, try to get as close to your fingertips as possible and when bending backwards, try to keep your head and torso as straight as possible. Do this by turning clockwise and counterclockwise.
Practising this asana tones the pelvic area and abdominal organs and helps to relieve the stress that comes with pregnancy. It is also recommended as an exercise after childbirth as it helps to regulate the menstrual cycle.
Vrikasasana or The Tree. It is a posture especially recommended to improve balance, both physically and mentally.
Standing, we place one of our feet on the thigh of the leg that is standing upright. The knee of the bent foot should be parallel to the side. Raise your arms, bringing your hands together above your head. Alternate the exercise with both legs.
These are just three examples of how yoga postures can contribute to the development of different facets of our lives, helping us to solve some problems or help us in our daily discomforts.
If you want to learn the different postures in a more detailed way and see how it can help your health and well-being you can do it through our different Yoga courses.