Free yoga class in Caños de Meca to celebrate International Yoga Day
Conscious TV
September 28, 2020

Next June 21st is the International Yoga Day. The United Nations, in its eagerness to spread healthy lifestyles, recognizes that yoga offers a "holistic approach to health and wellness".
Coinciding with the second edition of World Yoga Day is celebrated in Caños de Meca (Cádiz) Trafalgar Consciente, a free collective Yoga class for all attendees taught by teacher Silvia Jaén. This initiative is organized by Television Consciente, sponsor of the Festival. The class will take place at 11 am and will be broadcast in streaming by Television Consciente.
In addition to being a great exercise for the body and for general well-being, yoga has become one of the practices that is growing worldwide, currently occupying a seventh place in number of practitioners. In Spain, the offer in specialized centers is growing exponentially, with 47% of gyms already offering yoga as part of their course offerings.
The continued practice of yoga brings great benefits, and more if it can be done continuously on a daily basis.
On a physical level:
It contributes to the achievement of a better body fitness.
- It helps all the functions of the digestive system.
- It increases energy and improves the position of the back.
At a psycho-personal level:
It brings relaxation.
- Relieves tensions.
Improves personal relationships.
- Increases cognitive abilities and intuition.
Yoga being a source of numerous benefits, it is not surprising that the United Nations has proclaimed June 21 as the International Day of Yoga and that every day there are more places where you can learn this ancient practice.
Trafalgar Conscious Trafalgar will take place between June 22nd and 26th and will count with the presence of professionals and amateurs from different fields of Yoga, Meditation or Tantra, among many other practices.
To culminate the celebration of the month of Yoga Conscious Trafalgar will have several concerts, among them, Mirabai Ceiba, an outstanding group of the so-called conscious music with great international success.
For all this and much more, Conscious Trafalgar will be the ideal meeting point for lovers of Yoga and conscious practices uniting in the same event the celebration of the International Yoga Day, the longest and most magical night of the year and the possibility of finding a real exchange between professionals and amateurs of one of the oldest practices in history.
June 21st Yoga Day - Free Class with Silvia Jaen
11.00h at Las Dunas C / Cabo de Trafalgar 258, 11159 Los Caños de Meca