Tantra Kriya Yoga
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November 04, 2021

Tantra Kriya Yoga
Ancient Tantra Kriya Yoga (ATKY) is a completely new practice in modern yoga, although its origins are in the teachings of Kaula Tantra. This methodology has nothing to do with real yoga, but the system of asanas, kriyas, pranayamas, mudras and closures works on a frequency equal to or deeper than normal yoga.
Some of the processes of Ancient Tantra Kriya Yoga (ATKY) are related to different systems such as kundalini, Babaji's tantra yoga (pranayamas), Agama Yoga (its esoteric part) and Hatha Yoga (work on the balance of the body). Unlike the various methods that seek relaxation, physical exercises, energetic balance or purification of the chakras, ATKY takes the practice of yoga to a new dimension.
The three dimensions of being are the phases in which prana and sacred energy (conscious sexual energy) will be the basic elements of this practice. The main objective will be to collect, manage, transform and transmute the vital energy that resides in our being. For this, the ATKY uses the 5 tools used by the Tantra Kaula: Pranayamas (Swara Yoga), meditation (not only static but also dynamic), Asanas and Kriyas, rituals and sacred sexuality.
The art of using PRANA
Swara yoga is one of the ancient practices that has been lost in modern times. Prana is the life force that nourishes our physical and astral bodies. ATKY uses this technique in our energy system to move and collect different energies, meditate, unblock and transmute. In the basic and intermediate levels we practice breathing in the lower chakras and then in the advanced level we move on to breathing in the upper chakras.
We almost always think of meditation as a practice without movement. ATKY uses mindfulness in the development of the asanas or postures. We then focus our attention on the movement of energy during and after the asana or kriya. The use of certain closures in the body will allow us to block thoughts and channel our energy in a positive way.
The Asana. The postures we do are similar to those of Hatha yoga but the practice is in pairs, trios or collectively. The posture goes far beyond a physical and individual experience since we work with tantra techniques with which you connect first with yourself and then with the person you are working with. We raise our frequencies to the same level and from there we can perform a static posture being aware of the timing of the energy through the breath in the basic chakra and the sacred closures, or we can practice a kriya (action) in which we can do some pranayama with movements in the same asana.each asana is performed within a ritual structure in which energy and sacredness play a fundamental role. In some exercises you will experience energetic orgasms that will take you to an esoteric and spiritual experience.
The vital energy that you can generate in an ATKY session is really powerful. * The conscious breathing allows you to disconnect from everyday problems to concentrate on being present and aware.
* In the early stages of the ATKY practice you focus on the breath in the first chakra. This technique is one of the main elements that differentiates ATKY from other types of yoga. This type of breathing allows you to be in the body and not in the mind. It focuses directly on the physical and energetic bodies, which allows us to immediately feel the movement of PRANA throughout the body.
This practice along with the sacred closing or Bandha will activate the sacred energy in all three bodies (physical, mental and energetic).
* Alternate breathing through the nostrils or into the upper chakras. Once you have mastered this practice, alternate breathing will allow you to move the sacred energy at will, connect with the chakras or even connect with the universe or transmute the energy that accumulated during the session.
Sacred closing
ATKY mainly uses 3 bandhas or closures during most of the session. A closure is the contraction of muscles and nerves and is combined with breath control, which allows to expand the awareness and level of consciousness. Bandhas harmonize the functions of the endoncrine system, adrenal glands, pancreas, gonads, pituitary, pineal gland and brain. The biorhythms of the whole body are self-regulated. Blood pressure decreases. Heart rate self-regulates. Alpha brain waves increase. Sympathetic system activity decreases. Massage for the internal organs. Greater harmony in the urogenital system. Stimulation of the activity of the sexual system.bandhas relate to the nervous system of each chakra: the sacrum, prostate and solar plexus are stimulated.
The first, second and third chakras are related to the sacral bandha. Inflection occurs in the perineum, buttocks, sphincter and lower stomach. Mula bandha activates 72,000 energy channels directly interconnected with the 3 main nadis of the body, activates the energy of creation (sexual energy), awakens the kundalini (the dormant divine energy). The joint stimulation of the three lower chakras produces a spontaneous realignment of the physical, mental and spiritual bodies. Thus, there is an expansion of consciousness that allows us to fully develop our inner potential and rise beyond the mundane to reach the divine state. Mula bandha activates 72,000 energy channels directly interconnected with the 3 main nadis of the body, activates the energy of creation (sexual energy), awakens the kundalini (the dormant divine energy). The joint stimulation of the three lower chakras produces a spontaneous realignment of the physical, mental and spiritual bodies. Thus, there is an expansion of consciousness that allows us to fully develop our inner potential and rise beyond the mundane to reach the divine state.
The asanas
Asana means posture. It has been said that Tantra was the first discipline to point out the importance of postures. The human body is a manifestation of the spirit and is therefore sacred. In Tantra, as Georg Feuerstein rightly says, "instead of considering the body as a piece of flesh condemned to disease and death, Tantra sees the body as the abode of the Divine and the cauldron for attaining spiritual perfection".
Yoga means union. The intention of each asana is to unify the three bodies and, of course, the union with the universe in order to reach the connection with oneself, others and the universe.
Yoga asanas are movements associated with a certain body posture. The combination of flexibility, circular movements and balance is one of the characteristics that distinguishes it from other types of yoga. The priority in the postures is to focus on breathing and concentration of the mind.
There are dozens or even hundreds of asanas in yoga. In ATKY, asanas are performed individually, with two or three people or with the whole group. In order to make it more practical, the entire asana process has been subdivided into: kirana kriyas, standing postures, balancing postures, varjrayana kriyas, group changing postures and kriyas, group perfect circles, active meditations and relaxation asanas.
On a deeper level the practice of asana, which in Sanskrit means "sitting" or "abiding," is a tool for calming the mind and entering into the essence of the self. The postures offer the practitioner the opportunity to explore and control all aspects of their emotions, concentration, intention, faith and unity between the physical and etheric bodies. In fact, the practice of asanas to work and open the physical body is a unifying force for the person to connect in harmony with the invisible elements of their being, the forces that shape our lives through our responses to the physical world. Thus, the asanas are a way to explore our mental attitudes and strengthen our will as we learn to free ourselves and move into the state of grace that comes from balancing our material world and our spiritual experience.
Explore the latent power of your sacred energy through pranayama and the synchronization of your energy with that of another person. Asanas are performed individually, in pairs or in groups.
- Experience the techniques of Tantra and active meditation in order to awaken your sacred energy and share it with the whole group.
- Get ready to reconnect with the God or Goddess within you and discover the power of inner strength.
- Conscious relaxation will help you develop your inner capacities in a different way.
- Be prepared for the unexpected and strengthen your body, your sacred energy and your capacity for self-knowledge.
What is an ancient Tantra Kriya Yoga session like?
The session lasts one hour and 40 minutes and is open to both men and women. In ancient times, in some special sessions only men or only women participated.
In ancient times the practices were done naked or dressed in a sari.
Be prepared not only to experience yoga but also to learn about its esoteric and energetic side. One of the main advantages of this practice is that you will learn about your body, mind, sexual energy and the energetic capacity of your whole being. Shaktis (women) will learn the Khali Bola technique and Shivas will be able to practice Vajrayana. Both techniques are a way to raise the sacred energy up to the Shushumna channel.
All sessions are completely different from each other. They are now structured so that you can advance your knowledge every two months with a two-day weekly practice.
Tantra yoga helps you to stretch, strengthen and center yourself. It opens each of your chakras so you feel safe, sexy, confident, loving, communicative, lucid and connected to the people you love and the world. Safe postures adapted to your physical condition are combined with precise breathing techniques, subtle spinal movements and visualizations to unite your physical and spiritual parts, inspire and ground you. Movements, breathing and energy control activate your chakras and their corresponding aspects related to consciousness. All chakra energy flows through your central channel, which is like your inner flute. Then you will be ready to perform a flute duet with your loved one and a symphony with all souls.