Barcelona Yoga Day 2018
Conscious TV
September 28, 2020

Next June 17th the seventh edition of the Barcelona Yoga Day event will be held at the Parc De L'Estació del Nord in Barcelona. This year Conscious TV will be part of the event and we will give away free subscriptions to all attendees.
The last edition of BYD 2017 was a success of participation, and the figures confirm it: an estimated attendance of 3,000 visitors, hundreds of participants to the 40 scheduled activities in the spaces of conferences, workshops, meditations, asanas and music; 60 stands, the contribution of knowledge of 40 teachers and artists of the sector, and the support of more than 50 volunteers, all this added to the added value of being a local event, free and open to everyone, organized by volunteers and non-profit.
The 2018 edition maintains the same philosophy with which this event was created, which, added to the experience of previous years, the implementation of organizational improvements and greater dissemination to bring this event to the largest number of participants, we expect to be a great success in attendance, participation and media coverage.
Behind the organization of Barcelona Yoga Day there are exclusively volunteers. Passionate about the conscious world with the desire to give the best of them to carry out the practice of yoga to all people who want to approach this ancient and transformative philosophy of life.
The organizing team of volunteers is formed by some of the main schools and teachers of Barcelona, who have joined together in the Barcelona Yoga Day Association to co-create one of the biggest Yoga events of the year in their city, with more than 40 outdoor activities in one of the most central parks of Barcelona and with a great diffusion among schools, teachers and practitioners.
As they tell us from the management "we are a 100% transparent and non-profit association, so that all proceeds go directly to the organization of the event and no teacher, school, collaborator or member of the organizing committee charges anything for their work. This helps to create a very special atmosphere of committed and selfless people that reverts to a 100% free and participatory event. "
What is BYD like?
100% free: We do not charge admission and all activities are free.
100% non-profit: None of the teachers, collaborators, or organizers charge anything for their volunteer work. It is our opportunity to share from heart to heart.
- 100% made by yogis: The entire organizing team are people dedicated body and soul to the practice of yoga and who live their daily lives according to the principles of Yoga.
- 100% collaborative and diverse: We want participants to know Yoga in all its richness and diversity, so the organization is composed of yogis from the main schools.
Five spaces where you can enjoy a multitude of activities:
-Yoga classes: Yoga classes of the main styles (kundalini, ashtanga, hatha, vinyasa, etc.) throughout the day.
-Meditation: Dynamic and guided meditations for beginners throughout the event combined with spaces for silence and relaxation.
-Lectures: Lectures given by great masters that will help you to solve your doubts about various topics: way of life, main paths, approaches, etc.
-Live music: participation of the main devotional groups and singers both locally and nationally.
-Vegan food: Throughout the event there will be vegan snacks tasting and at noon a great community meal.
-Conscious theater: Artists dedicated to the practice of yoga and meditation propose reflective works with high philosophical content to raise our consciousness.
-Workshops: Mantra chanting, dance, pranayama, etc.
-Craft Fair and Yoga Schools: Hundreds of products related to yoga (mats, blocks, lotas, deities, clothing, etc.) and with the healthy and ecological way of life that promotes yoga. You will also be able to find the proposals of local Yoga schools and their various activities.
-Provisional program: We are in the process of defining the philosophy and criteria for the selection of proposals for the 2018 edition.
We will receive proposals from April 16, 2018.
Are you going to miss it? On Sunday 17th we are waiting for you in Barcelona.