Consciousness in action - What is meditation?


Meditation does not add anything to what is already there, meditation cleanses and removes layers of conditioning, dogmas, beliefs and programs from our psyche. Meditation is practiced on an "effortless effort" basis, the only effort if you can call it that is to maintain attention. This is key and we are going to hammer on it throughout the course and it is what will take you to the next level in meditation and in your life. With the term meditate we refer on the one hand to the practice itself, which we will be able to enjoy in this course, and also and more importantly to the attitude. The meditative attitude is the one that brings out the best of you in the tribulations of everyday life, is the one that brings lucidity, generosity, compassion, discernment, detachment, relaxation and awareness to your life. When such an attitude is not present, meditation loses its profound meaning. Meditation is like sleep, in reality we cannot meditate, meditation, like sleep, happens. We can prepare ourselves and encourage it, but nothing more. The absence of expectations is a fundamental point. This is a path, just take one more step.

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