Reach a state of meditative awareness - OSHO Talks Vol. 4


This is the fourth part of Osho's talk dedicated to addressing the intrinsic difficulties of a basic act among human beings: communication. As he tells us, communication by itself is complicated, but even more so between lovers. To address its peculiarities we must understand the difficulties of communication in general, knowing that each mind has been conditioned by different fathers, priests and politicians. When two minds try to communicate at least as far as the usual sphere of mundane things is concerned, there is no difficulty, but the moment they begin to go beyond that into the world of concepts, communication becomes more and more complicated. According to Osho: Lovers, unless they attain a state of meditative consciousness, will not be able to communicate. Their communication will always be conflicting. There will never be communion. The only possibility is that both develop their consciousness to the point where they go beyond the mind, then all conditioning is left behind. Even biological differences will be overcome. The consciousness that transcends the mind is no longer male or female. There is the possibility of achieving something, not only the conversation, but also the possibility of achieving something, not only the conversation, but also the possibility of achieving something, not only the conversation. The consciousness that transcends the mind is no longer masculine or feminine. There is the possibility of achieving something, not only the conversation, but also the possibility of achieving something, not only the conversation, but also the possibility of achieving something, not only the conversation. The consciousness that transcends the mind is no longer masculine or feminine. There is the possibility of achieving something, not only the conversation, but also the possibility of achieving something, not only the conversation, but also the possibility of achieving something, not only the conversation.

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