We are a creation of truth - OSHO Talks Vol. 10


The tenth volume of the Osho talks that we offer you on Conscious Television contains Osho's reflections on one of the great questions that trouble human beings: What is truth? For Osho, truth is something that can only be shown, but not expressed verbally. Truth, according to the master, is a reality rather than a discourse and its natural place is the interiority of each human being. To know the truth, then, requires you to be able to ask yourself, to initiate your own path of search. Language is entirely a human creation: truth is not. We are the creation of truth. Language is our creation; therefore, it cannot express our origin; it is superficial. Language is only a toy in our hands. I was commenting to a great scholar, Dr. Hiralal Jain; he was a world famous scholar of Jainism, and a man of words. He knew seven languages and was so proficient in each that it was difficult to guess which was his mother tongue. His whole life had been devoted to words, to his roots.

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