Our very desire and longing become a barrier - OSHO Talks Vol. 08


Everyone is afraid of intimacy. Whether you are aware of it or not is another thing. Intimacy means exposing yourself to a stranger. We are all strangers, nobody knows anybody. We are even strangers to ourselves, because we don't know who we are. Intimacy brings you closer to a stranger. You have to lower all your defenses, only then intimacy is possible. And the fear is that if you lower all your defenses, all your masks, who knows what that stranger can do with you? According to Osho: The moment you start desiring something, craving something desperately, your very desire and craving becomes a barrier. It is something everybody has to understand: when people come to me for the first time, they have no expectation and things are very easy. It brings about miracles in their being. But the next time they come to me, they come with expectations. Now the whole psychological structure has changed: first they came with no expectations, just available, just to see if something would happen or not. Now they come with a determined desire for what should happen. It has happened before, why won't it happen now? It happened before because you were in a totally different space. You were not desiring it; it happened in your innocence. Now you are no longer innocent

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