I have been a professor at two universities - OSHO Talks Vol. 6


Theists believe in God, without knowing Him, without any experience; their belief is just a way to escape from doubt, Osho tells us. However, to remain in doubt requires tremendous courage. Not escaping from doubt is one of the fundamental qualities of the seeker and believing is an escape. Covering your doubts will always give you a sense of relief. However, it is a false security because inside you still know that you don't know. According to Osho: I have been a professor in two universities. The last one I left had almost one hundred and fifty professors, and the faculty room was overflowing with all kinds of rumors. I was in that university for almost nine years, and I kept looking, listening: will somebody start a discussion about God? One hundred and fifty professors, of whom seven belonged to the philosophy department, five to the psychology department, four to the theology department -- at least these people? But no. Actors were discussed, actresses were discussed, movies were discussed, novels were discussed, even students' love affairs were discussed.

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