Why are you concerned about saving humanity? - OSHO Talks Vol. 1


In this talk, Osho questions one of the most common formulas of religions, namely that humanity needs to be saved. Why does no one question it, what are the implications? Linked to this idea is the belief in an original fall, a primordial sin or stain that needs to be cleansed and redeemed. However, Osho considers both premises to be erroneous and a source of confusion and suffering. According to Osho, One of the secret formulas of all religions is to propose propaganda to the effect that humanity has to be saved. It is a strange idea, but so old that no one seems to inquire about the implications. No one asks why you care about saving humanity. You've been saving humanity for thousands of years, but nothing seems to be saved. Does humanity need saving to begin with? To answer this question, all religions have created an absolutely fictitious idea of the original fall, because unless there is a fall, the issue of salvation does not arise. And the religious concept of original sin is nonsense. Man has been evolving - not falling - in every possible way. The only way in which the original fall can be sustained is through the idea of evolution proposed by Charles Darwin. However, religions cannot use that, they feel very offended. Darwin's idea is put forward in such a way - at least by apes, if not by humans - that it was indeed an original fall. If man has evolved from monkeys he must have fallen from trees, and the monkeys who did not fall must have laughed at the idiots who did fall. Among the monkeys there are hierarchies. Perhaps men carry within their minds the same hierarchy. If you see some monkeys sitting in a tree, you can tell who is the boss: he will be at the top of the tree. Then, there will be a large group of ladies, their harem: the most beautiful and youngest. After that, there will be a third group. I was thinking about this third group for many days, but I cannot define it. In India we call this group the

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