Every day we meet more frequently with people who have a large amount of emotional charge within them. People for whom life has faced some challenge in the form of emotional breakdown, financial problem, loss of a loved one, illness ?? ¦ and in most cases there are stagnant emotions in them that they have not allowed themselves to express because of fear of being lost by that emotion and believing that they are going to enter a state of permanence in it. Maybe they expressed them, but not enough, or maybe they didn't do it enough times, but most of the time they didn't even allow themselves to get to feel them and allow their body to express them. In this session you will learn more about how to release emotions.
20 Physical exercise and well-being
21 The sense organs
22 Stimulating the sense of touch
23 Healthy Images
24 Aromas and healing
25 Synchronize with nature
26 Sleep routine
27 Neti Pot and Nasya
28 Increasing the vital force