Intro Opening up to emotions
Sarvangâsana or candle pose
Halâsana or plow pose
Matsyâsana or fish pose
Uttanâsana or standing clamp pose
Purvottanâsana or upward plank
Bhujangâsana or cobra posture
Salabhasâna or grasshopper pose
Dhanurâsana or bow pose
Bakâsana or raven pose
Paschimottanâsana or pincer pose
Vrksâsana or tree pose
Uttitha Trikonâsana or Triangle Pose
Ardha Matsyendrâsana or Twisting of the Sage
Complete RIshikesh Series
Class 3: Salutation to the sun and standing postures I
Class 1: Movement and body fluency
Night routine