Complete RIshikesh Series
Sarvangâsana or candle pose
Halâsana or plow pose
Matsyâsana or fish pose
Uttanâsana or standing clamp pose
Purvottanâsana or upward plank
Bhujangâsana or cobra posture
Salabhasâna or grasshopper pose
Dhanurâsana or bow pose
Bakâsana or raven pose
Paschimottanâsana or pincer pose
Vrksâsana or tree pose
Uttitha Trikonâsana or Triangle Pose
Ardha Matsyendrâsana or Twisting of the Sage
Sethu Bandhâsana or bridge building
Lecture on 4 dimensions - Mani Raman
Lecture on Karma - Mani Raman
About the importance of breathing
Is Ashtanga Yoga for everyone?
Focus your mind during the practice
The length of a class
Have you seen God?
Mani Raman - Vedanta Part 1
Who am I? - Mani Raman
How to achieve the Jivamukti state
The path of Yoga
How to leave the pain behind
The effects of the moon
The benefits of Yoga
The personality of a Yogi
What is Love?
Hip joint
Creative energy in motion
Intro Opening up to emotions
Ying Yoga Practice - Lorena González
Journey to a magical world
The tree that did not know who it was
The cobra and the warrior
The candle inside you
The beauty
The puppy and the butterfly
The secret key
Explore Nature
Session 2: Suryanamaskara A and B, sun salutation
Session 3: Standing Series
Session 4: First Ashtanga series with modifications
Session 5: Ashtanga Series One, Part Two
Session 6: First Complete Series
Ashtanga Yoga Mysore
Mindful relaxation session - Yoga Nidra
Hip work
Flexion postures
Preparation of the sun salutation
Extension postures
Pranayama practice
Standing postures I
Twisting poses
Sun Salutation Practice - Surya Namaskar
Welcome. Psoas cycle
Class 1 - Consciousness
Clase 2 - Relationship
Class 3 - Toning
Clase 4 - Pranayama
Program Presentation
Tips to enhance your meditation practice
Introduction to meditation
Meditation day 1
Meditation day 2
Meditation day 3
Meditation day 4
Meditation day 5
Meditation day 6
Meditation day 7
Meditation day 8
Meditation day 9
Meditation day 10
Introduction to pranayama practice
Pranayama Practice 1: Kapalabhati
Pranayama Practice 2: Nadi Shodhana
Pranayama Practice 3: Ujjayi
Class 4: Balancing the chakras
Class 2: A path to liberation through compassion.
Introduction to the Jivamukti Yoga method
Class 3: Life: a continuous movement
Class 1: Deepening our connection to the Earth and to each other
Yoga Philosophy: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
I balance the fire in me
Habiting the body and its sensations
Relax the face
Structure and deconstruct
Emotional openness
12 About Prana
Pelvis in motion
Silence and heart
Ayurvedic nutrition
09 Energy and chakras
09 The gunas
39 Words of Budda
Breathing in postures
36 The Dream
14 Melatonin
Falling asleep
Yoga to improve your life 10: Express session to sleep like a baby
Supported Yoga
Creative relaxation
Hatha Yoga for wellbeing
Yoga Nidra: Active and deep relaxation
Secuencia de posturas entrelazadas
Your breathing
Remedy to relax
Stress and anxiety management
Yoga to Improve Your Life 9: Stress relief routine
37 Brain waves
Deep Pranayama
05 Fullness
16 Stress Relief
35 Exercise and Its Health Benefits
Hatha Yoga: working the torso
Hips and pelvis opening
Day 1 - I open myself to new and wonderful experiences
Day 2 - My mind and body are working in perfect balance, in perfect harmony
Day 3 - I flow easily with the new challenges that come into my life
Day 4 - I move with grace and smoothness
Day 5 - I nurture my body from love and acceptance
Day 6 - Every experience I have is perfect for me
Day 7 - I tune in to my natural vibration
Day 8 - Walk in the sun to energize the body, mind and soul
Day 9 - I adopt regular rest and eating patterns
Day 10 - The qualities of moderation and purity benefit my health
Day 11 - I take actions that give me energy
Day 12 - I include all six flavors in every meal
Day 13 - My digestion is strong, I extract the maximum of nutrients from the food I eat
Day 14 - Proper digestion increases my vital energy
Day 15 - I prepare for deep, restful sleep
Day 16 - I create an environment conducive to rest
Day 17 - My body and mind are in tune with the rhythms of nature
Day 18 - Today I practice gratitude
Class 3: Salutation to the sun and standing postures I
Class 1: Movement and body fluency
Night routine
Unhooked - Day 1
Unhooked - Day 2
Unhooked - Day 3
Unhooked - Day 4
Unhooked - Day 5
Unhooked - Day 6
Unhooked - Day 7
Unhooked - Day 8
Unhooked - Day 9
Unhooked - Day 10
Unhooked - Day 11
Unhooked - Day 12
Unhooked - Day 13
Unhooked - Day 14
Unhooked - Day 15
Unhooked - Day 16
Unhooked - Day 17
Unhooked - Day 18
Introduction menstrual pain
Passive stances
Supported bending
Standing postures with a wall
Reticular glasses
Ocular anatomy
Stereoscopic sensation
Five eye positions
Kim Focal Dance
Eye expansion along the three axes
Oscillation with rod
Toning: external eyeball muscles
Unlocking exercises: Elephant Dance
Unblocking exercises: Blinking
Unblocking exercises: Yoga asanas and palming
Unblocking exercises: eye and body distension
Asanas - Ocular Yoga