Twisting postures


Fundamental to cleanse, to feel the movement of the spine, to lubricate the cushions between the discs and thus to promote a healthier, more agile and more flexible spine, as well as to work intensely the internal organs. The importance of stretching the spine in order to do the torsion afterwards. Balancing for the nervous system. Beneficial for the vertebrae that must be separated in order to be able to perform the torsion. Ideal for the correct functioning of the organs. 1.BARADWAJASANA (blankets). With what has already been learned in the previous sessions, the result of a stretched spine will be clearly seen. From here on I emphasize the torsion. Importance of placing both hips in the same line. 2.MARICHYASANA III. I add what has been seen in the previous posture groups of foot, leg, groin. 3.MARICHYASANA I. 4.SVSTIKASANA (in torsion).

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