Hatha Raja Yoga integrates the eight limbs of the Yoga system (Ashtanga Yoga), starting from the Yama and Niyama, its foundation. The practice of Yoga facilitates the silencing of the mind and thus the (re)connection with one's own divine nature, the realisation of the Self, the higher and deeper self-knowledge, which is the ultimate purpose of this science. Dynamic practice inspired by Sri Dharma Mittra's Shiva Namaskar Vinyasa. Vinyasa is a dynamic style that links movement with breath; it is active, creative and gently challenging on all levels.
Polarity and balance
What is Yin Yoga?
Advanced Vinyasa Class
What is Ying Yang Yoga?
Vinyasa Yoga class for beginners - Lorena González
Ying Yang Yoga Class - Lorena González
Standing postures: importance of the foot and leg
Routine Base 1
Routine Base 2
Routine Base 3