El Brujo: Autobiography of a Yogi


Rafael Álvarez `El Brujo' offers us an intimate and personal look about his spirituality and the teachers and techniques that have most marked his path of personal growth, such as transcendental meditation, kriya yoga or tai chi, and teachers such as Gururaj Ananda Yogi, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Years ago he was fascinated by the life and teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda, precursor of yoga in the West and author of the acclaimed book Autobiography of a Yogi, a book that has a great impact on Rafael to the point of producing and interpreting a play that bears his name in theaters throughout Spain. Rafael Álvarez `El Brujo` is a Spanish actor and playwright with a long and consolidated professional career that began in the seventies, combining his participation in films and series of reference of the Spanish cinema; with theatrical interpretation, where we are pleased to be able to continue to see him interpret various works. He has received numerous awards throughout his life, among others, the Icarus Award, Ercilla Award, Gold Medal for Merit in Fine Arts and the Medal of Andalusia. https://elbrujo.es/ https://elbrujo.es/autobiografia-de-un-yogui/

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