Silvia Congost: Self-esteem and emotional dependence


Silvia Congost offers us the keys to detect low self-esteem and strengthen it, as well as the elements that can help us to recognize if we maintain a relationship of emotional or toxic dependency and if it is possible to redirect it. She also talks about her references in the field of personal development, such as Anthony de Mello or Tony Robins, her opinion about yoga and meditation as psychological healing techniques and her perspective on the suffering and mental problems that plague today's society. Silvia Congost is an expert psychologist in self-esteem, emotional dependence and couple conflicts thanks to a toxic relationship that she experienced first-hand and from which she had a hard time getting out: "I couldn't get out of that destructive spiral. I realized that neither my studies nor my experience could help me get out of it. What I experienced taught me my true purpose in life: to help all the people who need to recover their self-esteem, stop suffering in toxic relationships, and achieve emotional independence". Silvia has become a national and international reference in relationships and self-esteem after 20 years bringing light to thousands of patients. In addition to practicing as a psychologist, she is a lecturer and author of dozens of books such as "Alone: Discover the pleasure of being with yourself", "Automatic self-esteem: Believe in yourself and reach your goals" or 'If it hurts, it's not love'.

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