Interview with Mardia and Rafa | Sufism, the mystical dimension of Islam


We approach Sufi philosophy and culture through Mardia Herrero and Rafa Millán, practitioners of Sufism and creators of the Youtube channel "Psychology and Spirituality", a channel committed to the desire to build bridges between different traditions. We will talk about what is Sufism, Sufi literature and the main masters, the figure of women in Sufism, and many other topics, from a close and simple perspective, but imbued with great depth. Rafa Millán is a psychologist, philosopher and writer. He conducts psychology workshops and Sufi meetings and meditations and collaborates in other academic and informative media. Mardía Herrero is a writer and teacher, Doctor in Literature, Master in Sciences of Religions, Bachelor in History and Philology. She collaborates in other academic and informative media.

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  • English


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