The Mahâbhârata is one of the most important and most extensive works of world literature. Its stanzas narrate the great battle of Kurukshetra, the first great war of mankind, in which two branches of the same family fight for the throne of Hastinapura (near present-day New Delhi). The Baghavad Gita is one of the four books that make up the Mahabharata. In this section we will have the opportunity to know in depth its context and we will understand the reason why it takes place in the battlefield and at the moment before its beginning.
Sri Sri Krishna and Sri Arjuna
Soul and Body
Karma Yoga
The Mind and the Senses
Devotion and dedication
Material Perfection Vs. Spiritual Perfection
Universal Form
Manifestations of the Lord
Kali Yuga and the Qualities of Nature
Purifies the heart
Supreme Being and how to know it
Being a Yogi
Devotional Service
The Divine and the Demonic
The three types of faith
Mantras - Vibrate with their sound
False ego
Faith and Trust