Contact with nature, a return to the origins of our being
Conscious TV
September 28, 2020

Today's society has long since lost touch with nature. There is a tendency to devalue the essential elements in pursuit of a widespread materialism through which we seek to achieve happiness. Progress and the technological age have brought improvements but at the same time they isolate us more and more from our origins, from what we are and should not forget. The tendency towards individualism locks us in a prison from which it is difficult to escape.
If we look at neo-druidism we can see that this philosophical doctrine is rooted in nature and is concerned with establishing links between man, earth, sky and sea. Man must honour nature and there is no better way than to get involved in ecological work and the protection of mother nature and all living beings that inhabit her. Nowadays we are disconnected and immersed in a technological era that absorbs us completely, reducing the interaction between people and experiences with the environment around us.
Getting in touch with the elements allows us to get to know ourselves, learn to manage our emotions and thus improve our relationships with others. We are used to living in a hurry, we do not stop to observe our surroundings, to breathe and to value the most basic things. For neo-druidists the objectives of each of the lives a person has (they believe in reincarnation) are to gain knowledge, creativity and love.
Stopping, pondering and connecting with our most primitive self is more than necessary. To do this, it is essential to learn to meditate and become aware of our body to encourage contact with nature and with ourselves. If you want to go a step further in your personal development, constant training is essential.
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