Hatha Yoga and organic movement This Yoga session is dedicated to creativity, the creative energy of Nature that our bodies contain. At a physical level we will focus on opening the hips and making the pelvis and belly more flexible, the area where our umbilical center and creative power reside, with the aim of opening spaces in our body so that creativity can emerge in different forms of expression. Due to the type of asanas proposed and the way to perform them, today's practice is very suitable for women who are either menstruating or before this moment of the cycle. If this is the case, you can prepare blankets and cushions to seek comfort and relaxation for your body at all times. The session is composed of a harmonious practice of static and dynamic asanas, a relaxation space and final meditative practice: a heavenly communication. This is a beautiful technique that comes from the Kundalini Yoga tradition that integrates the chanting of mantras with mudras that express their meaning, and movement. It favors the cultivation of concentration (Dharana) through repetition (Japa) of the mantra and movements. The mantra that we are going to use is the Adi Shakti Mantra, in a version by Jai Kartar, from his album Golden (www.jaikartar.com). It is a song dedicated to the Great Creative Mother of all that exists. Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti, Adi Shakti Namo Namo Sarab Shakti, Sarab Shakti, Sarab Shakti Namo Namo, Prithum Bhagawati, Prithum Bhagawati, Prithum Bhagawati Namo Namo Kundalini Mata Shakti, Mata Shakti Namo Namo
The lotus in you
Therapeutic Yoga Class - Lorena González
Unblock back and open mind
Hatha: Open Your Heart With Back Spine Extensions
Hatha Yoga for wellbeing
Hatha yoga: balance
Pelvis in motion
Silence and heart
Standing postures with a wall
Supported bending