Conscious TV
September 28, 2020
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How does yoga help in old age? Yoga brings physical, mental and spiritual benefits. Yoga is beneficial for any type of p …
CELEBRATE YOGA DAY IN ALICANTE You already know that in Conscious Television we love to keep you up to date with all the …
Start meditating with OSHO! The OSHO TALKS are considered silence shared in words. Discover the revolutionary message th …
One of the most important tools of transformation that Osho left us as a legacy is HIS talks, the OSHO conversations, co …
No matter what style you practice, Vinyasa, Yin Yoga, Ashtanga or any other, Hatha Yoga practices always close with a re …
WEEK # 1: YOGA MEDIUM LEVEL.Recommendations before starting your practice:Do not eat any heavy food at least 1 hour befo …
Surya YogaSurya yoga is an advanced concept of yoga that teaches how a person can obtain energy and nourishment from the …
Agni Yoga: the Yoga of the texts Agni yoga is a spiritual teaching founded by the artist Nicholas Roerich and his wife H …
Before going on to know all the current yoga styles, we must make a reference to the origin of yoga. The earliest archae …
The word bandha means lock or key. It consists of a controlled and sustained contraction in time of a specific area of t …