Chakra Massage


It shows practice on how to work the chakras or energetic vertices of our body through Ayurvedic massage. We will start with the manipura chakra, located between the lower stomach area and the sternum and is related to the ability to take control of your thoughts and emotions, overcome your fears, and how to deal with different situations. We will continue through the Anahata chakra, located in the cardiac plexus area and is related to our ability to love and receive love, be compassionate, live joy and accept ourselves. Next, we will show you how to stimulate the fifth chakra or Vshuddha, associated with the throat, neck, shoulders, mouth, nose and ears. It is the center of language, knowledge and the ability to communicate effectively and we will finish. Ajna chakra or third eye located in the area between the eyebrows. This energy center is that of creativity, intuition and mental projection. We will finish with the seventh chakra, Sahasrara, located in the membrane of the skull, it is linked mainly with energy and cosmic thought. We will also show the marma points located in the areas described.

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  • English
  • Spanish


  • Spanish
  • English

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