Types of yoga: Sivananda yoga
Conscious TV
September 29, 2020

Sivananda Yoga: The Yoga of well-being
Sivananda yoga has its origins in the teachings of Swami Sivananda. It is a form of hatha yoga in which the training focuses on the preservation of the practitioner's health and well-being. Unlike ashtanga vinyasa yoga, which is very athletic, participation in sivananda revolves around relaxation and full yogic breathing.
What are its benefits?
The sivananda training system aims to preserve the vitality of the body and decrease the likelihood of disease by cultivating the body in a simple and natural way. The philosophies of the system are summarized in five principles.
Proper exercise: Asanas
- Proper breathing: Pranayama
Proper relaxation: Savasana
- A proper vegetarian-type diet. Teachers encourage a yogic diet.
Positive thinking and meditation: Vedanta and Dhyana.
What are the classes like?
A training session usually begins with practitioners in Savasana breathing in Kapalabhati and Anuloma Viloma. This is followed by a few rounds of sun salutations, before the standard program of 12 basic asanas. Sessions normally last 90 minutes and the traditional program can be followed flexibly by the instructor with variations.
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Is it suitable for beginners?
Many sivananda yoga centers offer yoga courses for beginners. It is recommended if you have not practiced yoga before or have only practiced a little. This course consists of 12 classes of 90 minutes. It is recommended for beginners because students learn the five principles of Sivananda and get to know the practice in the best possible way.