Breathing in yoga: Pranayama

Conscious TV

September 29, 2020

Pranayama: the breathing of yoga

In Sanskrit "prana" means breath or the vital energy of the bodies and "ayama" means extensor or regular. Thus, pranaya is the control or extension of the vital energy, that is, the control of prana through the breath.

There are many different ways to practice pranayama. The prana flows through thousands of subtle energy channels - called nadis - and through the energy centers or chakras. According to Hindu philosophy, the quality and quantity of prana is responsible for a person's state of mind. If the level of prana is high and flows smoothly and continuously, the mind is still, positive and lively. However, lack of awareness of the breath can cause blockages of the nadis or chakras, as a result of which there will be increased worries, tensions, doubts and conflicts.

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These beliefs determined that the sages of ancient India designed several techniques to direct the consciousness towards the breath and, with it, unblock the nadis or chakras. Correctly practiced pranayama leads to harmony between the spirit, body and mind.