Yoga for the elderly
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November 04, 2021
Yoga for seniors
Can older people (over 65 years old) practice yoga asanas?
Yes, of course seniors can practice yoga. The basic premise of yoga is union. It is about uniting various aspects of our life such as body, breath, mind, etc. In fact, the word yoga is derived from the root "Yuj" which in Sanskrit means "to unite". Thus, all people of any age and condition can benefit from yoga techniques to create a more harmonious and joyful existence.
What kind of asanas should we do as we age?
As we have indicated, older people can practice yoga, as long as they observe instructions, some of which are listed below.
Substitute warm-ups with brisk walking and joint movements.
Standing postures. In this group of postures we recommend the triangle posture (konasana series) and the standing spinal twists (Kati chakrasanas).
Seated postures. In this case, we recommend you to perform the butterfly posture, kneeling (if possible), the twisting of the body, as well as the postures of the child's cat (Shishu Asana).
Yoga postures lying face down or face up. In this type of postures it is more important to focus on repetitions than trying to maintain the posture. We suggest you to perform the cobra pose (Bhujangasana), the lobster pose (Shalabhasana) or the knees bent towards the face pose (Pawanmuktasana).
Remember: yoga nidra is undoubtedly the most important part of any yoga practice, and as we age, it becomes even more essential to help us assimilate the effects of the asanas in our organism.
Are there easy exercises for the elderly?
Sukshma Yoga can be practiced independently or as part of a more extensive yogic practice. People of any age can practice it and benefit from these exercises that are comfortably performed in 20-30 minutes. They are simple and gentle exercises for the eyes, tongue, jaw, neck, hands, feet, knees, ankles and hips.
How should older people practice yoga asanas?
The YogaSutras of Patanjali define asana as "sthira sukham asanam", that is, that which is stable and comfortable. Therefore, any posture held with awareness in a stable and comfortable manner is an asana.
Are you doing your yoga practice correctly?
Listen to your body's inner messages, your smile meter. Do as much as you can with a smile, as that is the indicator that tells you if you are doing it right or not.
What is the difference between yoga practice for young and old?
The same asanas performed by a young person may be more demanding in terms of effort, time to maintain the posture and flexibility required. Some cardiovascular and abdominal suitable for a person with a higher level of stamina and lower.
Do yoga postures increase the efficiency of the immune system in older people?
Again, Patanjali's YogaSutras give us a clue. They tell us "heyam dukham anaagatam," i.e., that we can avoid suffering that has not yet come. As we grow older, the efficiency of our bodies and immune systems drop, making us more prone to disease. Regular practice of yoga techniques, such as asanas, pranayama and meditation, can help to avoid such situations, eliminate suffering and lead a happier and fuller life.