Yoga books: inspire your body and mind | Conscious Television
Conscious TV
September 28, 2020

Discover the best Yoga books that will make you grow in your personal practice. Feed the yogi in you with the best millenary readings.
There are thousands of books on the yogic discipline and the great masters. Given the amount of information that exists, we have tried to make a careful selection of the best yoga books to get to know the philosophy of yoga in the best way.
- The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali.
- The Heart of Yoga, How to Develop a Personal Practice, from TK V Desikachar.
- Light on Yoga, by BKS Iyengar.
- Yoga for the three stages of life, from my teacher, S. Ramaswami.
- Yoga Beneath the Surface, David Husvitz and S. Ramaswami.
- Meditations from the Mat, by Rolf Gates.
Books to inspire you and learn more about yogic philosophy
1. The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali.
They are considered the foundational text of Raja Yoga or classical yoga. Its content is made up of 195 short aphorisms that constitute a masterly synthesis of the structure, functions and states of the mind, as well as a very precise guide to the practice of yoga. This text provides the practitioner with the theoretical support on which the yogic philosophy is based, and the layman with the foundation to penetrate into a millenary wisdom.
2. The Heart of Yoga, How to Develop a Personal Practice, from TK V Desikachar.
An essential book to approach the philosophy of yoga in a clear and simple way.
3. Light on Yoga, by BKS Iyengar.
It is said to be the book that has had the greatest influence on the introduction and spread of yoga in the Western world. In it you will find a summary of the history and philosophy of yoga, posture techniques, procedures for quieting the mind, etc. A good book for beginners as well as for more advanced practitioners.
4. Yoga for the three stages of life, from my teacher, S. Ramaswami.
Every time I open this book I find something new or something I had missed that I find really useful and inspiring. If you really want to know the real yoga, this is the book for you.
5. Yoga Beneath the Surface, David Husvitz and S. Ramaswami.
In this book, conceived as a talk between an American student and his Hindu teacher, Ramaswami goes over the crucial questions of yoga philosophy and practice. Another of my bedside books.
6. Meditations from the Mat, by Rolf Gates.
A book full of interesting and inspiring reflections and stories about the precepts of yoga.
Can you imagine a better plan for cloudy autumn afternoons? It's hard for me ???? Make yourself a nice cup of tea and start one of these yoga books. And if you're up for it, don't forget that on Conscious Television you'll find various yoga courses to put into practice and much more.