Tantric massage workshop in Caños de Meca
Conscious TV
September 28, 2020

During the Trafalgar Conscious meeting experts in different subjects from all over the world will give several workshops. Today we want to highlight the Tantra Kaula workshop, where you can learn about Sacred Sexuality as well as discover tantric massage and bodywork techniques. You will learn how to perform a full body massage and you will have the necessary tools to enjoy your sexual relations to the fullest.
You will learn, experience and develop a really pragmatic knowledge about sacred sexuality and tantra kaula. The workshop is eminently practical and will be held with a small group of attendees.
last places available! If you are planning to attend, we recommend that you make your reservation now because it is a unique opportunity to learn with the master Anand Rudra, one of the people who best knows the tantra kaula in the world.
Throughout the workshop we will touch different points framed within the ancient and healing tradition of tantra kaula:
- Ritualism and awakening of eros.
- Tantra Kriya Yoga: the door of the body to the sexual pleasure of the supra-consciousness.
- The art of breathing as a link to the expansion of sexual energy and being.
- Meditation as an energetic instrument inside and outside the body.
- The power of sacred touch in full body massage and kundalinic (genital) massage.
- Expansion to supra-consciousness via multi-orgasmia in the human being.
Presential workshop of tantra kaula given by Anand Rudra from 23 to 26 June 2016 in Caños de Meca, Cádiz. If you can not travel to Cadiz you can enroll in the online tantra course led by Anand Rudra.