Everyone can do Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga if they put their mind to it, no matter if you are 8 or 80 years old. Although the first series seems intimidating because the postures are so demanding, it can be modified so that anyone can do it. All that is needed is an experienced teacher and a motivated student. Like the Vedas, one cannot learn it just by reading or practising on one's own: it is important to learn from someone knowledgeable.The most important thing during a class is to feel the body and keep the mind focused. The aim of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is that the student meditates while moving and therefore knows his or her own body. To practise just for the sake of exercise or to learn how to do a posture is to limit the experience. In order to be able to meditate in movement it is important to prepare oneself. Discipline is crucial if you want to succeed in whatever you do. Eating well and sleeping well and preparing your mind for the next day's practice will enhance the benefits of the practice.