The Signature of God, Proof of a Creator’s Existence


There exists a matrix of numbers that encodes the name of God. It defines our culture, our science, and the essence of humanity. In this documentary, we will see how and why. Numbers form the only universal language. Mathematics is not the only possible relationship between numbers, so the keys to understanding this matrix are not based on complex calculations. This matrix of numbers determines the foundations of our culture: the concept of duality (Yin Yang), change (I Ching), harmonies (Tetraktys), the cycles of the moon, the sun, and the stars, as well as the process or the path (Tao). This matrix also expresses the foundations of science: the numbers e, Pi, and Phi that govern nature, the flow of energy, binary code and information, and the very structure of DNA, which supports life. This documentary explains where this matrix comes from and why it is asserted to be the Name of God. Finally, it provides an explanation of the meaning of human existence and the relationship between us and the creator. The matrix reveals how we have at our disposal a great power to transform reality. This power is real, as is all the research presented in this documentary.

Audio and subtitles


  • English


  • No available

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