The characteristics of the Pitta Dosha and how to achieve its balance

Conscious TV

January 28, 2021

What is a Pitta person?

People with predominance of this Dosha are those in whose body-mind constitution, fire and water are the main elements.

A balanced Pitta is intellectual, self-confident, enterprising, cheerful, strong, courageous and determined. Like a kind of ray of light in the darkness of the path, he generates confidence and security among those around him. Pitta feels bright, hot, intense and transformative.

The classical Ayurvedic text Charaka Samhita says that when pitta is in balance with the person's constitution or prakuti, the blood will be healthy and the acid secretions in their intestines and stomach will be in optimal condition for digestion. Pitta people tend to have rapid digestion of food, information and experiences. Pitta also rules chemical and metabolic transformations.

Within the subtypes of Pitta we find:

  • Paachak Pitta: It is in charge of digestion and is located in stomach and intestines.
  • Alochak Pitta: It is located in the eyes and is responsible for vision and color perception.
  • Ranjak Pitta: It is located in the liver and spleen and is responsible for the formation and color of blood.
  • Bhrajak Pitta: Located in the skin, it is responsible for the complexion and temperature of the skin. It is responsible for the absorption of herbal plasters applied to the skin.

Pitta Dosha unbalanced...

The Pitta Dosha in imbalance manifests anger, mental, verbal and physical hostility, violent outbursts, jealousy, self-criticism, resentment, polemic, tyrannical behavior, intolerance, excessive hunger and thirst, hot flashes (in women during menopause), severe menstrual pain, stomach acidity, skin problems.

How does a Pitta person balance?

Ayurvedic medicine balances the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) using a simple but powerful concept which is the "principle of opposites". In Ayurveda, imbalance is treated by incorporating treatment modalities such as food, herbs, lifestyle practices and opposing qualities of the dosha.

In the case of Pitta Dosha imbalance, the main qualities found in excess (or imbalance) are "hot", "light" and "sharp". Therefore, we recommend you:

  • Food: Eat a very careful diet, avoid salty flavors and incorporate refreshing foods such as cucumber, coconut and green leafy vegetables. Spices such as cumin, coriander and mint are very beneficial as seasoning in meals. It is recommended to drink ginger water with mint and not to consume stimulants.
  • Rest: Sleep 8 hours and perform balanced activities to maintain stillness. Practice sitali and shitkari pranayamas (breathing). Attitude: Try to connect with freshness and positivity in all your thoughts, actions and attitudes towards life. Eliminate attitudes of criticism and low esteem with yourself and others.
  • Moderation in work and daily activities Practice relaxing practices such as restorative yoga.

Finally, it is essential to cultivate "non-judgment" to balance Pitta in the mind.

Still don't know which Dosha type is yours? Take the Dosha Test now.

And if you want to learn more about this and other interesting concepts of Ayurvedic medicine, learn more about our Ayurveda Course.