Hello, my name is Hector Encuentra and I want to invite you to live with more awareness, freedom and happiness. Connecting with your essence, purpose and inner peace. With your permission we will go through a process of personal transformation together thanks to Mindfulness Meditation, a practice that consists of paying attention to the present moment, recognizing and transcending the mental and emotional patterns that limit us.
My training as a Mindfulness and MBCT (Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy) instructor is endorsed by MBCT-Spain, the Mindfulness Network and the Center for Mindfulness Research & Practice at Bangor University in England. As an expert in Wellbeing and Happiness, known as Chief Wellbeing Officer, I collaborate with the World Happiness Foundation of Miami (USA) in developing initiatives for the wellbeing and Happiness of people, organizations and cities. In the field of personal development, I trained as a Coach at the Escuela de Formación Integral en Coaching for the International Coaching Federation and the Spanish Coaching Association. And now that we are friends, I would like to tell you that I am also passionate about Geology and the interconnection of our consciousness with the global consciousness of the Earth and all the beings that live here.
If you want to know more about me I invite you to visit my web site
Nice to meet you.