Properties of ginger, a highly medicinal root
Conscious TV
September 28, 2020

Ginger is a perennial plant grown in warm, humid areas. It became popular during the Roman Empire but fell into disuse after its fall. In China and India it has been used for thousands of years as the basis of their medicine.
Marco Polo, on his voyage to the East, was the one who recovered it and it is now taken all over the world in many ways, although its use in cooking and medicine is closely related to the consumption of the root.
Ginger is a food that provides multiple benefits, helping us to improve various conditions if we incorporate it into our diet. When you cut the root and look at the inside, you get the impression that it is pure fibre, but 50% of its composition is carbohydrates. It has high doses of vitamin C, minerals such as phosphorus, zinc, manganese and cobalt, and of course fibre, as a good rhizome. It also contains flavonoids and three star components that make it magical: Shogaloes - Gingerols - Essential Oils.
Properties that make ginger a great ally:- It has traditionally been used to treat intestinal disorders. By stimulating the pancreas, it promotes the production of enzymes that stimulate the digestion process, improving for example flatulence problems.
- Its high bacterial power is good for the intestinal flora, it helps with ulcers, gastritis, or diarrhoea.
- It has valuable anti-vomiting properties. It can be used to improve nausea during the first months of pregnancy and also nausea related to other illnesses and the use of medication. It is very good for motion sickness in the car or on a boat, if taken a few hours before travelling.
Improves the circulatory system: ginger helps us to warm up, promotes good blood circulation, eliminates cholesterol and fluidifies the blood, preventing vascular accidents. It is very good for circulatory problems of the legs, cooling of the feet and hands, as well as helping with migraines and headaches.
It prevents and helps to combat the symptoms of flu and colds, particularly relieving fever and the joint pains it causes. It improves chest and nasal congestion by promoting the elimination of mucus, and relieves inflammation of the airways in cases of sinusitis.
Ginger is a good anti-inflammatory and analgesic, relieves symptoms of premenstrual syndrome; its stimulating effect makes it a great ally for people with chronic fatigue, or depression.
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