Disconnecting screens

Disconnecting screens


Solutions to the problem

We propose a first series of actions that will help you get closer to the screens ...


Guide for all

It is essential that families regulate the conditions of use of ICT in three aspects: what are they looking for? what does? during how much ...


Feeding problems

Sugar, artificial sweeteners, processed foods, artificial additives, just compound the ...


A Vedic-Ayurvedic perspective

In the current era, as in all times, people seek to be happy; This same thing in the Vedic times of Ancient India for their health science, that is Ayurveda, was called the search ...


How do screens negatively affect adolescents?

Some characteristics of adolescents who live hyperconnected through mobile phones have been described and that differentiate them from young people of other ...


How do screens negatively affect?

Addictions are a problem of unforeseeable proportions because the use of screens and new technologies are in all areas of life. The growth in geometric progression increases the ...


How do social networks work?

Social media is business and it works with the ultimate goal of maximizing your profit. They want you to stay connected to their system for as long as possible, in order to offer ...


The human body and nature

The human has been evolving in nature for at least 2 million years, subject to seasonal changes, the elements, connected with other living beings and with nature ...


How does our mind work?

The brain is important but the most significant thing for us is consciousness, the ability to realize what is happening to us and to reflect on ourselves. Of all the information ...


How do social networks work?

Social media is business and it works with the ultimate goal of maximizing your profit. They want you to stay connected to their system for as long as possible, in order to offer ...


The human body and nature

The human has been evolving in nature for at least 2 million years, subject to seasonal changes, the elements, connected with other living beings and with nature ...


How does our mind work?

The brain is important but the most significant thing for us is consciousness, the ability to realize what is happening to us and to reflect on ourselves. Of all the information ...

