Conscious TV
July 02, 2021
What can we know about the long lost years of Jesus of Nazareth? According to Professor Antonio Piñero, who specialises in the language and literature of early Christianity, it is a practically unsolvable question because Jesus drew absolutely no attention to himself until the time of his manifestation as Messiah.
The Apocryphal Gospels have shown an enormous interest in knowing something of those lost years. Could Jesus have travelled to Egypt or India? Theoretically it is possible. The environment we have of Jesus is from the 30s onwards and it is purely Jewish, i.e. we can hardly demonstrate direct Greek influences on Jesus because his thinking is strictly Jewish. There is no ancient document that testifies that Jesus was outside Palestine.
Before starting the tantric massage ritual, you must prepare the room as an element of the ritual. It is the sacred spac …
Tantra is an ancient discipline that emerged in the Dravidian culture more than 8,000 years ago. This culture was the fi …
What is the purpose of Tantra?Tantra is an ancient discipline that emerged in the Dravidian culture more than 8,000 year …