It is, indeed, possible to make conscious use of new technologies.
Conscious TV
September 28, 2020

Certainly Social Networks have become a real obsession, if you are not able to take your eyes off your mobile phone, computer screen, television or video games, now you have the opportunity to unhook yourself and overcome the addiction with "Disconnect from screens", a social, free and open initiative of Conscious Television to help people of all ages to get out of this addiction, and start making a more benign use of technology.
Addiction to social networks, mobile phones or any type of connection through screens has become one of the problems of greatest social concern today, especially because of the capacity of this bad habit to disrupt the reality of children and adolescents.
"Disconnecting from screens", the project promoted by Televisión Consciente, the largest wellbeing and personal development platform in Spanish, not only aims to offer a perspective on what this worrying reality is doing to our lives, but also provides keys and concrete solutions from a medical and therapeutic point of view.
This production, produced in collaboration with Begoña Carbelo, PhD in psychology and professor at Centro Universitario Ciencias de la Salud San Rafael Nebrija and presented by Violeta Orgaz and Cristina Pacheco, Director of the MindBodyTraining programme at Wergym, will be offered openly and completely free of charge, and consists of three parts: a forty-minute documentary, a two-and-a-half hour online course and an effective twenty-one day disconnection programme. A free online tool is also provided so that each person can find out what level of addiction they have.
The documentary offers a realistic view of what the permanent connection to different screens is currently entailing, with special attention to social networks and mobile phones, although it does not leave aside other types of connections where consumption is also very high, such as television or video games, where the effects are very similar when the passive attitude in front of any connected screen far exceeds the time that would be advisable. The aim of this report is to raise awareness of the real implications and effects for society as a whole, but more specifically for young people, especially children.
Beyond raising awareness, "Disconnecting from screens" tries to offer solutions from a double perspective, that of therapists and psychologists and current scientific orthodoxy, and Ayurvedic medicine, which goes back thousands of years and gives a more differential vision that has to do with the functioning of the brain, with the body's energy, the body's positions from a totally different paradigm that enriches the vision of the problem.
In addition to an x-ray of the current situation and its diagnosis, "Disconnecting from screens" attempts to provide specific remedies, which are articulated in a two-and-a-half hour online course and an effective twenty-one day disconnection programme, which is the period recommended by experts to establish a bodily habit that allows us to get out of a bad vital tendency. Through this process, the aim is to establish new routines and habits so that, at the end of this procedure, we can reconnect with technology through a conscious use of it, without it becoming invasive and harmful in our lives.
As a starting point, the Desenganchados website offers the possibility of taking an addiction test through which the user, depending on their answers, can find out their degree of connection with the screens.
Two weeks after the launch of the Desenganchados landing and its addiction test, Conscious Television will organise an official presentation of the documentary programme to the media and will release the most significant data from the survey and offer its programme free of charge to all those who need it.
Because the ultimate purpose of this initiative is not the total disconnection or the complete abandonment of technological tools, the aim is to help achieve a better relationship and a responsible use of applications and programmes that, with proper use, can also improve our lives.