Conscious TV
June 03, 2021
After searching for the essential elements to configure his own elixir of eternal youth for a long time, the writer Fernando Sánchez Dragó has found the key. He has travelled many times, discovering new elements and substituting one for another until he has found the formula that keeps him young at the age of eighty, a formula that is constantly changing.
In Dragó's own words, "being young is not a question of age, it is a question of character, of vocation". For him, you can be very old from birth and very young when you die, it depends on the attitude you have towards life.
He claims to take an average of seventy pills a day to keep his body in shape, in accordance with the state of his mind. To achieve this, Dragó tells us that it is necessary to resort to techniques for the maintenance of energy or chi, maintenance of libido and maintenance of soma.
The aim of the course is to help you live a youthful life. Anti-ageing is a catch-all in which many things are included, sometimes even contradictory.
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