Discover the Vata Dosha Characteristics, and discover your Dosha

Conscious TV

May 23, 2021

Throughout today's post we are going to unravel some of the most outstanding aspects of people with Vata Dosha.

The Vata Dosha is made up of two of the five elements of nature, ether, space, and air, wind. Both are connected in a dynamic balance.

What does it mean to have a Vata Dosha?

"Dosha Vata is the expression of the force of movement"

The air expresses its kinetic power and the ether is the space that gives it potentiality. The function of Vata is that there is enough ether for the air to move freely. This translates as space allows, waits, waits for the air to be present, to move, to vibrate with the vitality of movement.

What are the symptoms of Vata Dosha?

A Vata body expresses or reflects the following qualities: light, dry, mobile, cold, solid, rough, sharp, subtle, fluid and clear.

In its psychological aspects, it has a high level of energy, flexibility and adaptability to new situations. Strong initiative and communicative power when in balance. When unbalanced, she is restless, upset, fearful, with a great tendency to phobias and anxiety.

Vata dominates in the pelvic region, colon, bladder, urinary tract, thighs, legs, arms, nervous system and skeleton. In excess it tends to accumulate in the colon. Vata is neither air nor gas but its increase and imbalance causes an increase in both.

Sometimes people intuitively seek what balances them, but sometimes this does not happen because our natural state is altered by various factors and we find it difficult to return to that original, healing harmony.

Ayurveda includes guidelines on diet, lifestyle, daily routines related to seasonal diets and practices of certain disciplines such as meditation and the science of yoga.

It is important to note that Ayurveda has as another of its fundamental principles that "lunch is everything that enters the body through any of the senses", so a harmonisation plan should take advantage of each of the senses as gateways to wellness.

Vata needs a harmonising, balancing therapy, where silence and calmness harmonise its tendency to variability in its habits and behaviours.

Having a routine of rest, nutrition, yoga and meditation as well as being in contact with nature will allow you to ground yourself and improve your wellbeing, energy and health.

If you want to learn more about the Vata Dosha, do not hesitate to send your query to

You can also take our know your Dosha test and of course do not miss the Ayurveda Course led by our expert Jane Hernández