Interview to Gregg Braden
Interview with Paloma Alba | The Dying Process
Interview with Cristina Garrido | "Death is a companion of life".
Interview with Alexandra Medía | Experience related to death
Interview Pepa Castro and Ramiro Calle
Interview with Swami Rajendra Das. Forgiveness
Silvia Congost: Self-esteem and emotional dependence
El Brujo: Autobiography of a Yogi
Interview with José Carballal
Interview with Mardia and Rafa | Sufism, the mystical dimension of Islam
Entrevista Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Interview with La Mari | The Beauty of Simplicity
Interview Mireia Serra | Discover what music therapy is
Interview with Ramiro Calle : Yoga and its evolution
Interview with Nazareth Castellanos
Interview with Enrique Simó : How can meditation help us?
Interview with Rubén Jiménez
Interview with David Medina. Hakomi method.