Benefits of radish
Conscious TV
May 23, 2021

Radish is an edible root of the "cruciferous or winter vegetable" family, like cabbage, turnip, mustard, or broccoli, and shares many properties with them. It is native to Europe and Asia, but is now cultivated and consumed all over the world.
It has a characteristic bitter and somewhat spicy taste that many people love and that more sensitive palates dislike. Two varieties are readily available on the market, the small red one, and the white one, much larger and elongated. There is a third variety, the black one, similar in size to the red one and difficult to find in Spanish markets.
They can be planted in spring, summer and autumn, so there are radishes almost all year round and they are harvested to be eaten almost immediately. You will find them in greengrocers and supermarkets without any problem, especially the red radish; the other two are usually available in more specialised vegetable shops.
According to ancient medicine, radishes had relaxing properties and made it easier to sleep, so they were often used as a sedative. They were also used as an antidote against poisons and in some cultures they were eaten before each meal mixed with walnuts, celery and lemon.
Health benefits of radishes
- Radish is a mini super bomb of antioxidants, it has more vitamin C than lemon. It is good for the skin as it helps to form collagen, for the absorption of iron and is included in the diets of people undergoing chemotherapy. It contains another powerful antioxidant that gives it its peculiar spicy flavour, although it loses it easily if we leave it in the fridge for a few days.
- Due to its antibacterial properties, it is a very beneficial food for the digestive system, as it increases the intestinal flora and also strengthens the liver.
- Due to its richness in fibre and high potassium content, it is a fantastic complement in slimming diets, as it helps to eliminate liquids, is astringent and helps to eliminate kidney stones.
- It is a diuretic food due to its high fibre and potassium content.
- It prevents and helps in the treatment of cancer. It is a powerful cell regenerator.
- It is a super intestinal antibacterial, combats problems of flatulence, slow digestion, chronic constipation or diarrhoea.
- It benefits the health of the liver, promoting its correct secretions.
If you want to know how to introduce radish in your in your daily life and more benefits of superfoods be sure to visit our Superfoods Course.