15 tips for preparing the tantric massage room

Conscious TV

June 05, 2021

Before starting the tantric massage ritual, you must prepare the room as an element of the ritual. It is the sacred space where the union of the Shiva and the Shakti, the masculine and the feminine, will take place. You have to create a sacred environment that favours the generation of energy so that receiver and giver experience the fullness of tantra.

These are the 15 guidelines you should follow to prepare the room:

  1. Find a comfortable space, it is essential that you feel comfortable. Make sure it is the best place you could choose to live this sacred experience.
  2. Keep a good, constant temperature.
  3. Avoid outside interference, the room where you practice tantra massage should provide you with the privacy you need to disconnect from daily obligations and thus allow you to get in touch with your divine self.
  4. Surround yourself with objects that give you good energy, they will help you build a sacred environment conducive for the divine essence to flourish in the sexual encounter.
  5. Get out of the routine by creating a different atmosphere than usual, it will help to stimulate the senses and make you forget about everyday life.
  6. Select natural fabrics for cushions and sheets, they bring warmth and make you feel comfortable. Fabrics such as silk, organic cotton or linen will bring comfort and warmth to the room.
  7. Scatter white and red rose petals, symbolic of the beauty of sacred space, masculine and feminine, consciousness, energy, purity and passion.
  8. Pay special attention to the lighting, the light should be soft and inviting. Distribute candles throughout the room, they will bring sensuality and the necessary light to create intimacy.
  9. Find an archetype to offer the tantric ritual to and place it in an important place. The practice of tantric massage should be oriented towards this archetype by way of veneration.
  10. Always have wine to offer to Parvati, mother of Ganesa and wife of God Shiva. If you also have a bowl with aphrodisiacal snacks such as chocolate or strawberries, all your senses will be activated.
  11. Get peacock feathers, they are a symbol of beauty and nobility of spirit. They will be a key element in tantric massage for the subtle delicacy with which they caress the skin, awakening the energy.
  12. Extra virgin olive oil or other natural oils are a must. They provide sensuality and help us to perform the massage. Warm it between your hands or use an essence burner, always making sure that the temperature is lukewarm.
  13. To activate the sense of smell burn incense, you can use fresh incense such as lavender to cleanse the room and a woody or sweet incense during the ritual.
  14. Play music that invites relaxation and activates your sensuality. It is advisable to use soft music that helps us in the process of internalisation and awareness.
  15. Cover yourself with a sarong made of natural fabric that is as soft as possible so that it feels like a caress on your skin. It will make you feel comfortable and allow you to shed it easily.

Once the room is ready it is time to start the tantric massage. Enjoy the experience.

If you want to know more about tantra and tantric massage, discover our Tantra Course.